Would you like to know how you can do better?

We recommend our Google Ads account audit service to those advertisers, who would like to assess the efficiency of their currently running campaigns using the available monthly advertising budget. Many times the aim of such an audit is to immediately increase return, since during the audit we can also perform modifications in the Google Ads account, but we have seen cases where our client wanted to check the quality of work performed by an existing expert or agency.

In most cases the audit takes place within the frames of a personal consultation, which can be at our office, online or at a venue specified by our client. (In the latter case a call-out fee can arise, but we will agree on the details in advance.)

During the consultation we implement the changes, which are the most burning or quickest to implement, in order to improve the results and refine the measurements, additionally, if requested, we offer a proposal for the correction of the complete error list within 1 working day based on what we see on the advertising account, and we also hand over a written document about it.

If you decide to trust our expertise in the long run, and you entrust us with continuous campaign management, then we deduct the cost of the audit from the later commission fee.

Should you be interested in our service, please get in touch with us:

    Name *

    Email address *

    Phone number *

    Please explain the task in a few words *

    Accept the data processing policy